
Facial Exercise ...

About The Ultrasonic Facial


The "Ultrasonic Facial" process is gentle, non-invasive, safe and suitable for all skin types, from acne to rosacea and mature skin. Even the most sensitive skin will benefit from an ultrasonic facial. A real benefit of this new treatment is that there is no down time – it works quietly, leaving no telltale redness or irritations. Treatments average 35 minutes, with clients returning to their daily activities immediately. The final result is smoother, healthier and younger-looking skin when used regularly along with an appropriate home care program. Multiple treatments (a series of six to twelve treatments) will be needed for lasting effects. Results are cumulative, as your skin loves and greatly benefits from regular care. After the initial sessions, a customized monthly maintenance schedule ensures lasting results.

Sugested combination of bioptron light and Ionic therapy

one serie............................$70.00
 six  series..........................$420.00


There are three distinct treatment phases of an ultrasonic facial:


The peeling phase removes 20% to 50% of stratum corneum -- the outer layer of the skin which we continuously shed. Water is applied, along with a hydration cream. As the hand instrument is stroked over the skin, the ultrasonic vibrations spin the water molecules at high frequency causing cavitation. Cavitation gently removes the dead skin cells and cleans out follicles without irritation and inflammation.

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